The petition and statement in connection with the proposed amendments regarding the prohibition for Russians to obtain Czech citizenship without renouncing their Russian citizenship.

A petition has been created regarding the harm and wrongfulness of the proposed amendment, according to which Russians will have to renounce their Russian citizenship in order to obtain Czech citizenship. Anyone interested can sign it here.

We also ask you to sign the petition on the ePetice platofm, which has legal significance.

More details about the reasons can be found in the following statement and open letter (in Czech):

Prohlášení v souvislosti se změnami k získání státního občanství ČR pro občany Ruska

Otevřený dopis Předsedkyni Poslanecké Sněmovny

Exit poll results for Prague

Our activists, along with the activists of Vesna, participated in the polling of voters in Prague during the electoral procedure officially called “Russian Federation Presidential Elections”. The polls were organized by the “Vote Abroad” project. All Russians who disagree with the war and the Putin regime were called upon as part of the “Noon Against Putin” campaign to come to the polling stations at 12:00, line up in a long queue, and either spoil their ballot or vote for any candidate other than Putin. The Russian Embassy opened the polling station only on March 15, although the so-called elections were supposed to last 3 days. Only 1310 people managed to vote, and about 1500 people standing in line did not get a chance to cast their vote. Nonetheless, the results of the conducted exit poll eloquently testify that Russians in the Czech Republic are against Putin. Among those polled, Putin received only 4.1%. And even in the official results of the Russian Central Election Commission, Putin has only 15.7%. Many, as a form of protest, voted for Davankov (66.5%) or simply spoiled the ballot (24.8%). These votes are included in the total when calculating the candidates’ shares.

Results of the exit poll in Prague

Davankov 66.5%
Spoiled ballot 24.8%
Putin 4.1%
Slutskiy 1.3%
Haritonov 1.3%
Declined to answer 1.6%

Farewell to Alexey Navalny

Friends, supporters, all who care! Come on March 26th, to the 40th day after his death, to Alexey’s memorial place at Boris Nemtsov Square from 18:00 to 20:00. Come as part of his family, as part of his life. We will send off Alexey with grateful words, prayer, silence, a quiet bow. Everyone who wants to say their last “thank you,” “goodbye,” “I remember” — come, bring candles. Let his final departure be light, filled with our love.

Event on Facebook.

The ‘Clean Water’ Fundraising Campaign

In the first part of the campaign, we have collected 12 water pumps for water supply. They are getting ready to be sent to Ukraine from a warehouse near Warsaw.

At the moment, the second part of the campaign is underway – fundraising for the purchase of water purification tablets:

We stand with the people of Israel

Friends, another mad war has broken loose in the world. Yesterday, terrorists unleashed rockets on Israel. There’s no other way to describe those who torment hostages, commit acts of violence, and revel in their inhumanity. Photos and videos from Israel, the scenes of these tragic events are tearing people’s hearts all over the planet, like missiles targeting Israeli homes and bodies. Strengthen your souls, friends, only in them we will find strength for support and help. It’s important and necessary to say now: we are against terror and aggression; we stand with the people of Israel, with the IDF soldiers and with all of Israel. We stand for Israel’s forthcoming victory! Write to your friends, loved ones and relatives in Israel. Help them with your words, offer them shelter if needed, provide any help within your means. Bring cards with words of support and flowers to Israeli embassies. Everyone who cares, do not stay silent. Let’s be human and be together with those who need our help!

Meeting with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Anastasia Shevchenko

The Open Russia movement and Free Russians Global CZ invite you to a meeting with Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Anastasia Shevchenko on October, 14 2023 in Prague.
Security measures: registration for the event is required; when entering the event, you must provide an original identity document in the name that matches the name you use when registering.

Register here

Due to the capacity of the hall, the number of tickets is limited.

Our Telegram and Facebook Groups

Dear colleagues and friends! We’ve created a group on Telegram: Also we have a group on Facebook. Please join us!

Picket in memory of victims of war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine

On February 24, we held a picket near the walls of the Russian Embassy at Boris Nemtsov Square, dedicated to tens of thousands of innocent victims killed by the Russian army and pro-Russian armed groups. The action was timed to the anniversary of the bloody and unjust war in Ukraine started by Putin’s Russia.

Fundraising campaign “Warmth for Ukraine”

In cooperation with our colleagues from Russians for Ukraine, working on the border with Ukraine in Poland, we organized fundraising, purchase and shipment of stoves, generators and warm clothes.